"In 2004, Elizabeth Marsh, who is a close family friend came back from her gap year having visited Martin and Beena.She showed us some pictures of the work they were doing with the poor and orphaned children in India. I flew out later that year and formed a strong partnership with Martin and Beena.
James 1v27 Foundation was formed specifically to allow those in the UK who wanted to provide assistance to the project. 10 years on, we are pleased to have raised sufficient funds to assist with the purchase of three homes, the school and café. We are also delighted to be able to facilitate sponsorship programmes of the children. We are particularly delighted now that some children are graduating from the homes into full time employment programmes. We pray that these children will light up India with their love for God and humanity for what he has done for us all."
Jeremy Sharman
Chair Person and Co-Founder of James 1V27 foundation
Elizabeth Marsh
I came out to the Bethesda Life Centre as an 18 year-old volunteer for 5 months during my Gap Year in 2004. Regular emails home resulted in the establishment of huge support for the BLC from the local community. One significant member of this community was Jeremy Sharman - and so the James 1v27 Foundation was born. I have been to Goa three times -- in 2004, 2006 and 2010 -- to witness how the project has developed since my arrival 10 years ago.
Elizabeth Marsh is a scientist living and working in Sheffield, UK.
"I have been associated with Bethesda Life Center since August 2013 as a counsellor. The first thing I noticed was the happy faces of children, playing, giggling and wanting to share a lot of things with me.
I started my journey with them and within no time I was accepted by them. They used to eagerly wait for my weekly visit. Some call me mummy, some madam, some aunty and some even call me vernacular translations of grandma –naani, daadi or aaji. Under the guidance of Beena and Martin, the team is really doing marvellous work with full dedication.
All the children are taken good care of, given all the facilities, good food, clothes, education, regular medical checkup etc. Generally children are psychologically sound. There are occasional hiccups, which I help them through. The best part is, they cooperate with me and do the follow-up activities as instructed and guided by me; this is so vital for effective counseling.
I wish them all the best and pray to the Lord that they fulfill their burning desire of serving the neglected, destitute children and give them a chance to thrive in their lives and realize their dreams"
Sandhya Srivastava
Sandhya is a professional counsellor who works with the BLC children. She holds a post-graduate degree in Counselling
Dennis D'Sa
"Bethesda Life Centre is truly a place where underprivileged and afflicted children can find a home, a shelter and a chance of making it in life, made possible by several committed people who by their unflinching involvement in terms of time and resources play the various roles of caregivers, home makers, teachers and guides at the centre. May their work be blessed and rewarded."
Dennis is the Principal of Santa Cruz High school where 64 BLC children are studying
Sidney Rocha
"We have been associated with BLC since 2011 and have been supporting the children with health checkups, hygiene awareness and improvements, supplementary nutrition, counseling and recreational activities. The management, staff and teachers are open-minded, dedicated and work towards improving the lives of the children. They have the right intent and want to make BLC a model home in Goa."
Director, Catalysts for Social Action (CSA)
"Bethesda Life Centre has been a God-provided shelter to hundreds of underprivileged children over the years. We, at Santa Cruz Educational Complex, are privileged to have these children study in our school. Our teachers affectionately impart knowledge to them and these angels just love coming to school."
Bethesda Life Centre has always been taking utmost care of these children. Benefactors and well-wishers supporting Bethesda Life centre are doing a splendid job for these underprivileged children who otherwise may have gone astray.
J. J. V. Russell Coutinho
Educationalist & well-wisher